Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Planning is for Wimps

Our family really likes that old expression, fly by the seat of your pants. We were "planning" to have a preThanksgiving Thanksgiving at my mom's house. She said that would be too boring, so she broke her oven while in the middle of baking pies the evening before the big day, and decided it would be more exciting to have the party at my dirty, unprepared, house. FUN!

Then we "planned" on cooking the turkey for 4 hours like our handy little turkey cooking chart that is always completely accurate said to. That would have been too boring though so mom bought a magic turkey that resisted heat waves and would take an extra 2 hours to cook. You know, that way everyone is starving and the food would taste that much better.

We had "planned" to eat till our stomachs were about to burst and then let Ryan open his birthday presents. Since today is his 3rd birthday today. Then when we got the turkey out of the oven to take his temperature, Ryan decided this party was kind of lame. He decided to liven things up by pulling a towel off the counter which knocked the sharpest knife I own onto his foot. This then caused us to make a surprise trip to West Valley Hospital for some super fun stitches. This way he could pick up his presents that they were holding for him. He got a popsicle, crayons, and a teddy bear that we named Stitch.

Happy birthday Ryan! I am sure this is a party that you won't even remember in 10 years but it was definitely one we will never forget.

Now I am "planning" to get a good night sleep and have my husband rub my feet and feed me peeled grapes in bed. I'll have to let you know how that plan goes...

On a different note,
How come it seems like whenever I am at the hospital I am a magnet for the medical student that wants to "practice". Now I know they have to learn somehow but shouldn't there be something in it for me? How about a free copay or an Ipod or something. I mean if I (or Ryan) am going to sign up to be a lab rat and donate myself (or Ryan's self) to better someone's stitching skills we should get something in return. Just a thought.

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