Thursday, July 15, 2010

San Diego Zoo

We spent the first day in California at the San Diego Zoo. I'm going to be honest I have never been a big zoo person. Too much sun and exercise to see depressed looking animals but this zoo was nothing like that, well except for the exercise. This zoo is a lot like San Francisco with all of it's hills. Don't they know about grading?

I will spare you the 54 animal pictures I took. Some of our favorites were the komodo dragon, polar bears, monkeys, and reptiles.

I think the best way to see the zoo is on the tour bus.
No one told me San Diego would be cold. I had packed a suitcase full of shorts and tank tops and the high temp was in the 60's! I broke down and bought myself a souvenir jacket to get me through the rest of the trip.

Sometimes they do bug each other. Har har har!

James was so funny at the petting zoo. He knelt down to "his" goat and looked him right in the eye. Then he wouldn't stay away from "his" goat. When the goat would walk away James would follow him with one hand on his back. It was so cute.

"Hello goat, you are going to be mine."

One time he got mixed up and pet a little girl's head. Oops.

We took the express ride out to the exit at the end.

Marcus didn't realize quite how high it would go before we got on, and he hated it when I scooted to one side and our little boat in the air tilted a bit. We made it down and one piece and then he said he wasn't scared at all. Good thing I take a lot of pictures.

So in summary. Zoo, animals, exercise, cold, bus, petting, air ride. Fun day!

1 comment:

DeeDee said...

It all looks like great fun..and you're right! I do want a waffle cone. Thanks for sharing!