Friday, July 30, 2010

One of my favorite parts

(Or at least the part I remember the best because I have about 26 favorite parts), was when we got to feed the Lorikeets at Wild Animal Park.

Basically how is works is you buy nectar, and then walk into the aviary, and wait for birds to land on you.

The boys were a little unnerved at first by the whole thing, but it didn't take long for them to warm up to the whole thing.

I was a little worried James would freak out when the birds landed on him, but I soon realized that worrying was pointless. I forgot James fears nothing.

While everyone was feeding the birds I had this uncontrollable desire to sing the "Feed the Birds" song in the movie Mary Poppins. I managed to control myself though and just hummed it a little.

Nathan did not particularly care for it when one of his Lorikeets squawked right in his ear.

So this was one more adventure we had on our awesome vacation. I am missing San Diego already.

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