Monday, October 12, 2009

When you are six

You still believe in magic.

Time is only a concern when it comes to bedtime.

You can't go to sleep without getting a hug and a kiss goodnight.

Your favorite thing is sharks.

You are proud that you can kind of read, but hate reading.

You regret asking how babies really get out of their mom's tummy because it is gross.

You can go play outside without complete supervision.

Some of your old favorite shows are now "baby shows".

You make friends by wearing a cool Transformers shirt, and sometimes lose a friend to someone wearing a cooler Transformer belt. That really happens when you are six.

An hour is a long time.

Stuffed animals have feelings.

Your mom and dad are still the coolest people in the world.

You get taller, loose your baby fat, and start changing into a handsome little man.

All this happens when you are six.

And it makes me love you even more than ever.

Bookie and Marcus going to bed tonight. Bookie is the classroom bear here for a sleepover.

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