Saturday, September 26, 2009

That is so typical

In case you didn't know, I have a serious weakness. My achilles heal is recipe following. I can not follow a recipe correctly to save my life! I almost always screw up a measurement, omit a key ingredient (like the time I forgot the cinnamon in the monkey bread I made for a work potluck), or put in a completely different ingredient than what was called for. Oh yeah, I have really done that.

This time I was making cookies to take to a barbecue we were going to today. Ryan loves my chocolate chip cookies (which is actually my mom's chocolate chip cookies) and requests them whenever we go to his house. I intended to make a double batch but somehow quadrupled the chocolate chips. I didn't figure it out until it was too late.


So, instead of baking cookies for a couple of hours I got to make a quadruple batch of cookies and spend the next six hours baking them.

I think I was the only one that was disappointed by my mistake.

My taste testers clearly weren't disappointed.

Live and learn I guess. Hopefully.

Jason and James have been best buds lately. Their new favorite game to play together is follow the leader. James insists on being the leader at all times though.

Why doesn't anyone ever put clothes on that baby? Seriously, what kind of lazy parents does he have?!

A good big brother even pretend falls when the leader accidentally takes a tumble.

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