Thursday, September 17, 2009


A new school is a big change. New teachers, new routines, no friends. Up until last week none of the boys had even really made any friends. Well except for Marcus who has lots of friends but doesn't know even one of their names.

Not having friends is hard for Jason, he is a social butterfly, and needs friends in order to function, so he thinks. He already joined the school newspaper and was practically begging me to let him join band too.

I caved.

Apparently, the clarinet was his calling. I went on a scavenger hunt last week to track down a clarinet to rent, reeds, a stand, and something called cork grease which looks a lot like a tube of chapstick.

Whenever Jason graces our house with his melodies James thinks it is the funniest thing ever. Every toot gets a belly laugh.

Secretly I am hoping Jason meets some nice band kid friends. I know I am profiling but, I bet there are a lot less wannabe gangster kids playing in band.

As for Nathan, he finally made a friend this week in the most unlikely of ways. Nathan can be weird sometimes. I was picking the boys up after school and we were standing around waiting for Jason to come. A boy walked up to Nathan and stood next to him to talk. He said hi to Nathan and Nathan's response was to tell the boy to go away. So rude! The boy was being real nice and Nathan was just being mean. But honestly that is how he is sometimes. It's frustrating.

I was so disappointed in how he behaved that I made him write a letter to that boy apologizing to him. He had to give it to the boy the next day at school and I spoke with his teacher to make sure he did. I never would have guessed that the very next day they would be friends and would be walking home together. I never would have seen that coming.

Only when you are a kid would that ever happen.

Remember how I told you James likes inappropriate toys? I guess the pots and pans fall in the fun category now too.

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