Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Grandpa's Birthday

My Dad turns 49 today. I remember when I was little and he turned 30 I thought he was so old. Funny how now that I am older, 49 doesn't seem old now. It's all about perspective.

My dad likes to hunt. He loves to camp and fish. He has had a mustache for so long it looks weird when he shaves it off. He makes big messes when he cooks but he is a great cook. He likes to run. He wears big ugly reading glasses that make him look like an old man. He loves being a sheriff, Love with a capital L. My dad always has time to play with his grandkids. He is the best guitar hero/rockband player I know. His favorite cake is pineapple upside down cake. He still lives in the house I grew up in. He is a tinkerer, always building something, always fixing something. He likes adventure, travel, and thrills. He doesn't have cable, got internet for the first time this year but only uses it to find free stuff on Craigs list. My dad is frugal. As kids, my sister and I never got value meals, just hamburgers, and cheese was added at home. He likes country music. He gave me my brown eyes and and my flinstone feet.

He's my one of a kind dad and I love him.

Happy birthday dad, sorry we couldn't hang out today. I owe you a pineapple upside down cake.

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