Thursday, December 10, 2009

7 already

2 months

3 years


Mr. Marcus is officially seven years old today. Oh God make them stop growing!! His chubby cheeks are gone now. He isn't shy anymore. He doesn't sneak into our bed in the middle of the night anymore. He's changing before my eyes.

Marcus wanted "fancy cupcakes" for his class. Fancy meaning out of our super awesome cupcake book fancy. I happily obliged his request and here is that story in numbers.

23- The number of cupcakes I had to make.
6.5- The number of hours they took to complete.
1- The number of school rules we broke by bringing in homemade cupcakes.
553- The number of M&Ms I gave James so that he would be a good boy and let mommy decorate.
698751954-The number of times Jason and Nathan asked if they could eat the left over sprinkles.

His class was super impressed with the cupcakes, he told me one boy said I make the best cupcakes ever. He was upset because he noticed someone threw one of his mom's special cupcakes in the trash. So cute. Even though he is seven, he will always be my sweetie.

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