Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Where to start

I guess I will head on back to November and play some catch up. We decided to have my cousin Daniel spend the night with the boys one weekend. He LOVES coming to visit and being wild with fellow wild children. Him and Marcus are close in age and played together most of the afternoon.

While Mike grilled our dinner, the boys practiced their shot with the nerf guns.

They aimed at an empty 2 liter bottle sitting on the table and occasionally James. If you are ever wondering what to buy a boy age 4-14 for Christmas, you can never go wrong with a nerf gun.

Seriously, I know.

After dinner, Daniel introduced us to Scooby Doo. His favorite show in the entire world. He actually recited some of the lines in the movie as they were saying it. I was impressed that James actually sat still to watch it for at least 15 minutes. An eternity for him.

We had a campfire in the backyard later that night. The smores were a hit and looked so delicious. Mike and I at the time were still dedicated low carb eaters so smores were out of the question. I had Jason describe the taste to me but it wasn't the same. That picture has some really crazy facial expressions going on doesn't it.

James wanted to be included but could not be trusted to stay away from the fire so I locked him in his high chair and gave him a stick so he thought he was roasting marshmallows too. He was cool with that.

It was a great night, we really should do it again soon. Was that really a month ago??

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