Saturday, December 12, 2009

The Naked Christmas Tree

I am freezing today! The thermostat says 70 but I find it very necessary to blog wearing socks, a jacket, and swaddled in a blanket. Hopefully that doesn't mean James is giving me his cold again.

Monday we decorated our tree whom I named Gurdy. We started the Christmas music and I made the hot cocoa. Never, did I anticipate what was coming. James went nuts! Every single ornament that was within his reach had to be touched, yanked, shaken, and a couple of times they were thrown.

Marcus put one on the tree, James took two off the tree. I started freaking out when he grabbed hold of the garland beads and started walking backwards.

Sometimes he tried to help decorate by putting the outdoor garland on the tree.

We quickly learned to put all the old and special ornaments at least four feet up the tree and only the wooden or metal ornaments were allowed in the bottom sections.

After tree decorating, I cleaned up the shattered ornament on the sofa while the boys made button wreaths. Marcus also made us sugar cookies in his brand new easy bake oven.

This is what our tree looks like today. The ornaments are dropping like flies. The bottom half is almost completely barren and trust me. I can sleep better knowing that it is.

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