Monday, October 12, 2009

In Summary

It was a friend making, craft creating, mucus filled week.

Marcus got sick.

And when one person gets sick you know what happens, we all get it. Not too long after Marcus got the lovely sore throat/ massive mucus producing illness James got it. He passed it along to me and Jason. Then we were all having snot bubble blowing contests. As fun as that sounds it pretty much sucked. I lost my voice and couldn't work, James still had his voice and used it to cry approximately 74.3% of the day.

That wasn't exactly how I envisioned spending the boys' fall break.

The boys had a good week of though. They made friends! And lots of them. They pretty much spent the week playing at the park behind the house. I am so glad for them. It is such a complete 180 from the times when I used to have to drag them outside kicking and screaming to play. For the first time in our household, they were actually disappointed when it was time to come in.

Jason's birthday is right around the corner, and while I was out birthday shopping I picked up this Color Wonder coloring book for James. The markers are cool because they only show up on the special paper. No stains! James only wanted to color on the carpet, furniture, and himself but the other boys really liked it.

The chubs has also been obsessed with his Sesame Street socks that he got from his cousin Lindsay. He wears them all day and cries when I take them off for bed.

Hopefully we are done with the illness passing for a while. Now if I could just get my voice back I would be a happy mama.

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