Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Almost Halloween

Today was the first cool day of the season. A beautiful change to the sweaty mornings, afternoons, and nights that have been the norm now for the last five months. Yesterday Marcus' teacher told him that today would be like winter, I really wish she wouldn't have because he took that to heart. A low of 52 is hardly winter weather. Last night he made me track down his winter coat so he could wear it to school. Then he made me find the hood that attaches to it. I bet he was the warmest boy on the playground this morning.

I was very last minute this year with our hunt for Halloween costumes. I ended up getting the boys' costumes online this weekend and they (hopefully) will be here later on today. We were going to make James Yoda but they were all sold out so we had to find a plan B. I found our plan B Sunday on ebay.

I made him where it all afternoon today to get used to being in it. He loved it when it was off of him. And screamed when it was on. Nathan told me it was girly. I told Nathan just because it doesn't have blood dripping off of it or exposed bones, that doesn't make it girly. Plus it has a pretty mean stinger, very manly.

After 10 minutes in it he didn't mind the costume at all. It was funny though because he wouldn't turn his neck. He kept it straightforward at all times.

Okay the leggings we did find in the girls' section of Target but that does not make the costume girly.

That is one bad stinger.

I just hope he wears his costume happily on Halloween. You never know with 19 month olds. One minute they are happy, the next minute their world is ending.


Mom said...

That is the manliest bee I've ever seen.

Grampa said...

A honey of a BEE, Buzz...