Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Someone New

This weekend my mom had a barbecue at her house so we took a break from unpacking and went. It was a welcome break from our moving and unpacking. I even got to taste a mudslide for the first time. Delicousness. We had no idea that we would be leaving with a new little baby.

This precious little kitten fell into our laps when my cousin Dennis found him/ her (not quite sure yet) at his work. Mama kitty abandoned him for three days and Dennis took him home. The little thing is two weeks old today! It's eyes just barely opened on Saturday. My cousin couldn't keep it since he is allergic and I know from experience that it is hard to find a place that will take kittens this young without euthanizing them.

Being the cat lover that I am. I decided to take him under my wing. Seriously, I don't have enough stuff going on right? I only just moved, am still unpacking, raising four children, and one irritable cat. I can handle it.

Plus, who could say no to that face.

He currently weighs 4 oz. He eats from a teeny tiny bottle and requires lots of baths and bedding changes. It's just like having a newborn!

I took this picture just so you could see how big he isn't. He has a little bed in a box right next to my side of the bed. He meows so quietly when I walk into the room and loves to snuggle in my neck. I haven't decided what to name him yet, partly because I won't know if he is a boy or a girl for a few more weeks.

James thinks he is so interesting. He likes to here it meow and really really wants to grab it. James has never looked so dangerous before. I have to hold his hand and make him "pet" the kitten. He even tries to say kitty, it sounds like key when he says it.

I'm off to go change a diaper. Hey they should start making diapers for kittens. Umm never mind, diapers and furry butts probably don't mix.


DuckyPorkchop said...

How freaking cute is he/she! I too have a new pet but mine is no where near as adorable as that one! So I guess you won't mind me stealing PJ now right? :)

Nicole Black said...

Oh my cuteness! I really DON'T like cats, but that kitten is ridiculously cute! I probably would have adopted him/her too. I am so happy for you that you are finally moved! Yippee! Can't wait to see pictures of the house as you unpack. How very, very exciting!!!