Friday, May 21, 2010

Some People are just not Photogenic

I know this because I have two children that are complete opposite ends of the spectrum. It has nothing to do with their looks because they are both two of the cutest boys I know but pictures just agree with one waaaaaay more than the other.

I noticed this when I was going through all the pictures on my computer trying to find a good picture of each of the boys. With Nathan I had a million to choose from and had a hard time picking the best. Marcus on the other hand, I found myself saying "well I could use this one if I can't find anything else."

Exhibit A:

This was no accident. This is the face he makes when I try to take his picture. He is trying really really hard no to blink. Very attractive.

Exhibit B:

Bless his little heart. Maybe I should tell him I would actually prefer a picture of him blinking.

Exhibit C:

Nevermind, I don't know what I prefer.

Nathan on the other hand, tries to look ridiculous and somehow it still works.

Pillow on his head.

He can even make weird look cute.

First thing in the morning.

Doesn't matter, the camera loves him no matter what.

I am hoping the bug eye thing is just a phase otherwise we will have a very interesting photo album to show all of his future girlfriends, and I'm sure when he gets older he is going to love these pictures.

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