Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Day 1

Agenda: Drive.

We all piled into the van and off we went to San Diego. The older boys sat in the back watching movies, listening to music, and reading books. Mickey was in charge of entertaining James with books, cars, food, and anything else his little heart desired.

Our fearless leader blazed the trail for us. By doing a smidge under light speed most of the way he was able to get us there 20 minutes before navigation said we were supposed to. Woo hoo!

James even got to watch tv. I love technology!

Okay so day 1 wasn't so fun.

But we achieved our goal for the day of making it to the condo, stocking the fridge, and foraging for dinner. And we only came within 5 miles of running out of gas in the middle of nowhere once. I would call that a successful start!

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